Crunch&Sip Blog


Affordable kitchen gadgets for making speedy school lunches

  • Feb 07, 2023
  • Katie Liddiard

Are you looking for ways to save time whilst whipping up nutritious, delicious, and fun lunches this school year? We have found some affordable kitchen gadgets to save you time when making school lunches!

Students doing class work with Crunch&Sip on table

Crunch&Sip® and COVID

  • Jan 30, 2023
  • Mikala Atkinson

To minimise the spread of germs during the COVID pandemic, some schools found it easier to pause the Crunch&Sip® program and reduce the need for children to be fiddling with or removing their masks inside the classroom as much as possible. Now that teachers are back to running a normal program, we hope that Crunch&Sip® has relaunched in all our registered schools and is being delivered as an in-class break for students to refuel during lesson time

Using tablet and eating C&S

Promoting health through social media

  • Jan 30, 2023
  • Nicole Toia

Social media often gets a bad rap in the school context, but it can be used as a helpful tool. With a little know-how, socials can provide a platform to share the school’s vision, communicate with parents and students, and promote health messages relevant to the school community.

School children eating lunch around a table

Lunch box etiquette

  • Jan 30, 2023
  • Himani Jog

Children’s eating habits are shaped from a young age and usually stay with them into adulthood. These habits are formed in a range of settings, starting in the home and extending to places such as the classroom. As teachers, it is important to be mindful of the way the topic of food is approached in the classroom, as well as during less structured breaks such as recess and lunch. You can help children establish a positive attitude toward food and shared meals at school by adopting these strategies.

Children and teacher looking at cauliflower in school vegie garden

Health and wellbeing policy: laying the foundations of healthy futures

  • Jan 30, 2023
  • Mikala Atkinson

A health and wellbeing policy sets out your school's commitment around promoting the health and well-being of staff and students. The policy aims to encompass relevant preventive health and wellbeing initiatives and is based on the Health Promoting Schools framework. Find out why and how your school can implement a health and wellbeing policy.

Summer picnics

  • Jan 23, 2023
  • Himani Jog

Warmer days usually mean more outdoor activities, which also means more time for picnics. Whether it’s a day at the pool, trip to the beach or park play with friends, we all need some food to refuel throughout the day and help fill those hungry little tummies. We’ve put together a list of our quick and easy favourites to try at your next family picnic.