Overcoming barriers to participation

Some students may not have access to fruit and vegetables each day, particularly in lower socio-economic areas. Before registering to become a Crunch&Sip School, school staff must ensure that strategies are developed to provide vegetables, fruit and/or water bottles for students who do not have access. Strategies should be relevant to the local situation and meet the specific needs of the school community. Some ideas other schools have used include:

  • Ask local growers or stores for sponsorship. Read about how Comet Bay Primary School partnered with their local Woolworths store here.
  • Provide vegetables and fruit at cost price to disadvantaged students through the school canteen
  • Employ the same strategy used for children who forget their lunch money i.e. students can order vegetables or fruit and parents reimburse the canteen
  • Allocate school budget or school committee (e.g. P&C/P&F) funds to the purchasing of fruit and vegetables
  • Grow your own. Plant fruit trees or vegetable gardens on school property to provide an ongoing supply
  • Liaise with local Aboriginal student support organisations to assist Aboriginal students
  • Contact Foodbank WA to access fruit and vegetables through the School Breakfast Program. Go to www.foodbank.org.au for more information
  • Let students and parents know that water bottles can be any clean, clear bottle (e.g. an empty juice, water or cordial bottle).

If you feel that the cost of purchasing water bottles to participate in Crunch&Sip would be prohibitive for parents, please get in contact with us at schools@cancerwa.asn.au. For schools who meet certain eligibility criteria, we may be able to provide assistance with the cost of purchasing water bottles for students.

Encouraging students who are reluctant to get involved

  • Be a role model. Children are more likely to try fruit and vegetables if they see adults eating them
  • Create excitement and enthusiasm during the Crunch&Sip break time
  • Hold special Crunch&Sip events. For example, provide students with pieces of different fruit and vegetables to make an edible sculpture
  • Include gardening or cooking lessons to encourage a positive attitude towards fruit and vegetables