Summer picnics

Himani Jog,

Warmer days usually mean more outdoor activities, which also means more time for picnics.

Whether it’s a day at the pool, trip to the beach or park play with friends, we all need some food to refuel throughout the day and help fill those hungry little tummies.

A picnic is what you make it.  Whether it is super simple or something more elaborate, aim to pack a range of healthy food that is easy to transport, easy to serve and doesn’t require too many utensils. Having a range of healthy food on offer means there will be something to satisfy all ages.

Making food at home also means you are likely to save time and money. Your selected picnic location may not provide many inexpensive, healthy, or fresh food options and, there are many quick recipes that are perfect for a picnic.

We’ve put together a list of our quick and easy favourites to try at your next family picnic. 

While enjoying the outdoors it is also important to stay well hydrated. Make sure to bring lots of water and don’t forget to be SunSmart by packing broad-brimmed hats, using a 50+ sunscreen and seeking a shady spot to sit. For more SunSmart tips head to the website

If you are planning a day out and haven’t yet decided on where to go, check out the Nature Play WA website for some of Perth’s top picnic spots.

If you are looking for more info  on how to store food safely for your day out, follow the link to our Food safety on the go article.