Information for Parents
How-to information, inspiration and tips
How-to information, inspiration and tips
An extensive range of resources to help implement the program
Need further information or advice? Send us an email
You will find the Australian Guide to Eating and Australian Dietary Guidelines here, as well as a number of other nutrition resources to order or download. The Australian Guide to Healthy Eating is a visual guide to the relative proportions of the five food groups that we should eat each day. The Australian Dietary Guidelines gives information about the amounts of food we should be eating and dietary patterns for health. The Australian Guide to Healthy Eating and Australian Dietary Guidelines are based on a large amount of evidence and research. Most of the programs below are based on these documents.
Foodcore Nutrition Services Inc. (previously known as WASCA) assists school canteens and other food services to provide and promote healthy choices and operate economically viable and professional businesses. We do this by empowering food services with training, practical tools, information and advice as well as working in partnership with schools and the wider community, government, food industry, workplaces and other non-government organisations.
Examples of services include: CORE Finances Training, Canteen consultancy, Food Safety Supervisor Training, Bespoke nutrition workshops, Advisory service.
Foodbank WA launched Superhero Foods HQ in March, 2016. Superhero Foods is an online resource providing teachers and health educators with access to a host of highly engaging nutrition education resources including:
The Kitchen Garden Classroom, developed by Stephanie Alexander's Kitchen Garden Foundation (SAKGF), is a program that supports teachers to deliver pleasurable food education in the classroom. Schools who sign up to the program will gain access to teaching resources aligned to the Australian Curriculum, recipes, information sheets and videos, professional learning opportunities and email and phone support.
Foodbank WA supplies School Breakfast Program food products to registered schools free of charge to ensure that all students have an equal opportunity to receive a wholesome, nutritious breakfast on a regular basis. Over 440 schools across Western Australia participate in the program.
This free online training resource provides information for teachers and other professionals about raising the issue of children’s weight and encouraging families to seek appropriate services.
Have a great idea for a healthy eating initiative at your school but are having trouble securing funding? Schools Plus may be able to help! Schools Plus supports schools in low SES areas to raise funds in a variety of ways, including crowdfunding and Smart Giving.
Champion teachers from Crunch&Sip schools have given their advice and top tips on how to make Crunch&Sip a success!
"We encourage students to use 'Nude Food' containers if bringing chopped up fruit and veg. We have set a class time and go outside with the other class in our year level and sit under the shady tree to eat our Crunch&Sip. This allows all the students in the year level to spend a little time together, provides fresh air and 'brain food' to keep them going."
"When we do the roll in the mornings, the students hold up or call out which type of fruit/veg they have brought in."
"Our Crunch&Sip is traditionally at 2:00pm-ish - current students do not know the school without Crunch&Sip so almost 100% of our kids have something. I often read to them for 10 minutes while they Crunch&Sip. Waste goes to the worm farm or chooks!"
"We have made Crunch&Sip a whole-school program, coordinated by the Phys Ed and Health Specialist. We have a whole school break at 1:50 - 1:55pm. In terms 1 and 3 we have a Fruit and Veg Week where we offer fruit and veg platters each day for tasting. We also hire a fruit/veg dress-up costume as well as a daily quiz. Crunch&Sip is always the first topic during Health lessons in the first term. Children who participate in Crunch&Sip are acknowledged early in the term."
"We include updates on Crunch&Sip in the class newsletters and students have made their own class rules about Crunch&Sip e.g. wash fruit first/water only. Some classes have a shared fruit bowl and each class has been allocated a kitchen garden. Students eat fruit during silent reading after the lunch break. Students are also given fruit during whole school events, such as our resiliency and road safety forum, which is provided by the canteen."
"The biggest tip I could give would be to role model and be enthusiastic as a teacher. If you are sitting eating a mars bar whilst the children Crunch&Sip they are less likely to be enthusiastic themselves. And most important just have fun with it and don't see it as 'just another thing teachers have to do'. Without a doubt, it will benefit your students social and academic achievements."
"We encourage the students to have a ten minutes break in the afternoon or morning to have a healthy snack. No fruit or veg or water bottles means they can't have the break outside having a chat with friends. It soon makes them bring healthy snacks as they love the extra time outside."