How do you pack a lunchbox with goodness ?
Each day at school try to pack:
- Lunch (main)
- A healthy snack (mini)
- Extra fruit or vegies (munch)
- Water
Try to pack your child's lunchbox with healthy food from the five food groups. This includes wholegrains, protein (such as lean meat, egg, fish or hummus), reduced-fat dairy, vegetables and fruits. Don't forget to pack water.
There is no one size fits all model. We encourage you to do your best for your child, and remember to celebrate the small wins.
Aim to pack a lunch with some grains, protein and vegies. This can include a sandwich, wrap, sushi, pasta, curry, falafel or any dinner leftovers. Where needed, add an ice pack to keep food safe.
Reach for a healthy snack such as cheese and grainy crackers, hard boiled eggs, homemade muffins, plain yoghurt, popcorn, tinned tuna, baked beans or fruit. It doesn't have to be fancy or expensive.
If you think your child needs more food, pack some extra fruits and vegetables for them to enjoy. Pick seasonal to save money and encourage variety.
Remember to pack water for your child.
If it's all healthy food, it doesn't matter what order the food is eaten in! Anything they reach for will provide them with long-lasting energy to get the best out of their school day.