Healthy ways to enjoy your Easter long weekend

Nicole Toia,

Focus on creating lovely memories

Long weekends such as the Easter holiday encourage us to come together and spend time with friends and family. Use this time to create meaningful and long-lasting memories by sharing more than just food with the ones you love. Start a family ritual or try a fun activity that brings people together; a themed talent show, a back yard cricket game or set up a scavenger hunt that even gets the oldies on their feet! For some fun ideas, see our article on healthy easter hunts .

Put on a healthy spread

Family lunch Whether you’re making food for one or food for the whole tribe, choose fresh, bright, and colourful produce for a healthy, crunchy, and delicious spread.  Providing plenty of healthy food can help us to eat more mindfully and allow us to enjoy things like chocolate in moderation.

Make the most of the abundance of seasonal and fresh fruit and vegetables and throw together some simple salads or pick plates to feed hungry mouths. Mix and match flavours, colours, and textures to up your salad game from simple side to social media snap worthy.

Start with a fresh base such as spinach leaves, add some roasted veg for a touch of sweet, throw in nuts or roasted chickpeas for crunch, tomatoes for a juicy finish then top with some extra virgin olive oil or a simple yoghurt dressing. Pair your salad with some lean protein such as fish, chicken, or lentil patties. Serve with some fresh grainy bread or for something different try making your own croutons by baking some multigrain or wholegrain bread with a touch of olive oil and rosemary. Need some inspiration? Check out our summer platters article.

Choose your choccie wisely

Little Easter eggs Lots of celebrations have a food tradition associated with them, such as Latkes at Hanukkah or Saffron Buns on St Lucia’s Day, and chocolate eggs are a well-known part of the Easter holiday. Whilst your family may enjoy an egg or two, remember there are plenty of ways to indulge in some sweet treats this Easter whilst still being mindful of what you are reaching for. When buying eggs off the shelf be mindful of portion size and where possible choose dark chocolate varieties as these contain less sugar and more antioxidants.

Why not try being creative and whipping up your own chocolatey snack?

Choose a nutritious base and a little flourish of chocolate - remember that a little can go a long way. Some of our suggestion include:

  • Fruit dipped in dark chocolate (strawberries and banana slices are always a winner!)
  • Chocolate drizzled popcorn or roasted nuts
  • Banana muffins with some dark chocolate chips
  • Trail mix that includes some chocolate covered dried fruit or nuts
  • Homemade chocolate milk powder (milk powder + cocoa + cinnamon)

Hot cross buns are another popular food around Easter time. Try making your own with our at-home hot cross buns recipe. This is a lovely activity for the whole family to enjoy.