Keep munching on more each month

Mikala Atkinson, Nutritionist

Packing just vegetables for Crunch&Sip doesn’t have to be something that comes and goes with the month of March.

If your child has enjoyed the challenge of March Munch and is happily packing and eating vegetables each day for their classroom break, then encourage them to keep it going! It all adds up across the day and Crunch&Sip is a great way to guarantee that children have eaten an extra serve or two of vegetables at school. Eating vegetables for Crunch&Sip also makes an easy addition to munching on vegetables at recess and lunch as there is more time in the classroom and children don’t feel any pressure to eat and run.

Remember that vegetables can be packed in lots of different ways which helps keep it interesting and engaging across the weeks.

Our top tips to make munching on vegies after March more successful:

Keep it varied

Send vegies in different ways. This can include raw, cooked, frozen or tinned. The way you pack the vegies is up to you and your child.

Choose your Crunch&Sip vegies together

Head to the shops or the local farmers market and pick some fresh and seasonal vegies to use throughout the week. Or choose some frozen or tinned that they would like to try (tinned corn spears are a favourite in our house).

Make sure your container is the right size and seals well 

If the vegies rattle around on the way to school, they may get a little bruised and battered in the bag. Plus, when the container doesn’t seal properly, they may dry out or drip and leak.

Try some different shapes and sizes

Don’t be afraid to get a bit creative. Eating is a whole sensory experience, which includes the way food looks, feels and smells, not just how it tastes.

Happy March Munch and beyond!