How to become a certified school

Are you located in Western Australia and want to start Crunch&Sip in your school? Or maybe you are already participating and it is time to make it official? Follow the simple steps below and sign up today!

(If you are interested in becoming a Crunch&Sip school in New South Wales visit: Healthy Kids Association

Step one: Gather support

  • Approach the school administration team to ensure there is support for becoming a Crunch&Sip school. You could present our video or PowerPoint presentation to start the conversation.
  • Discuss strategies for implementing Crunch&Sip with staff members and parent committees.
  • Make Crunch&Sip a regular agenda item at a scheduled school meeting or develop a Health and Well-being committee.
  • Nominate a Crunch&Sip Coordinator.

Don't have enough support to certify your school? Try it in a classroom or two, see how here.

Step two: Identify strategies

  • Ensure that strategies are developed to provide vegetables and/or fruit and water bottles for students who do not have access.

Step three: Trial it in your school

  • Inform parents/carers e.g. distribute Crunch&Sip brochures and parent magnets (order free parent resources here).
  • Discuss the permitted and non-permitted foods with parents and students.
  • Set a time in class for students to eat their veg or fruit.
  • Trial Crunch&Sip for at least 2 weeks.
  • Ensure at least 75% of students are participating in Crunch&Sip.

Step 4: Take the pledge!

  • Once you have completed the steps 1-3 it’s time to make it official!

Apply here to become a certified school